Welcome to the Third Dimension Blog. I hope you enjoy the resources here at the 3DB and find value in each of my articles. My primary focus is to connect Aviators, and Aviation Enthusiast, with the past so they can better understand their responsibilities to the future of aviation and those who will follow in their footsteps; however, I do not rewrite history. Instead I highlight specific events that I hope will spark an interest in the reader to dig deeper so that they better understand past events. This, I hope, will create a better understanding of our responsibilities to preserving the history of the aviation pioneers who made it all possible.

Please give me your feedback and suggestions for articles, from time to time, and remember all Aviators/Aviation Enthusiast are:

"Gatekeepers of the Third Dimension."

Robert Novell

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Robert Novell

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Robert Novell

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Robert Novell’s Blog Review