April 6, 2012

A Video History of Aviation – April 6, 2012

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”


Good Morning---hope all is well with your life and your week has not been to taxing on the spirit. Today we look back at the history of aviation in a set of videos that uses original footage and the narrator speaks, typically, only about the facts.

April 4, 2012

The Beauty of Aviation – April 4, 2012

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”


April 2, 2012

Aviation Wisdom from the Past – April 2, 2012

March 30, 2012

France’s Lindbergh – March 30, 2012

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

March 28, 2012

The Other Lindbergh – March 28, 2012

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

Good Morning---The week is at the half way point and I hope all is well with you and yours. This week we are going to talk about Lindbergh. Not the “Lone Eagle” but a man whose accomplishments rivaled those of the man who flew “The Spirit of St Louis.” Stayed tuned for an interesting story, enjoy the rest of your week, and as always---Take Care and Fly Safe.

March 26, 2012

Aviation Wisdom from The Past – March 26, 2012

Good Morning,

A few words of wisdom from the past and a few personal thoughts, from yours truly, to start the new week----take care, fly safe, and thanks for allowing me to be a part of your week.

Robert Novell


March 23, 2012

The Seaplane Designed to Compete with the B-52 – March 23, 2012

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”



March 21, 2012

A Twist in the Cold War – March 21, 2012

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

March 19, 2012

Aviation Wisdom from the Past – March 19, 2012

Good Morning,

Robert Novell A few words of wisdom from the past and a few personal thoughts, from yours truly, to start the new week----take care, fly safe, and thanks for allowing me to be a part of your week.

Robert Novell