February 7, 2014

Who Were The First Test Pilots? – February 7, 2014

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 29, 2014

Bill Lear…..Inventor and Aviation Pioneer – January 31, 2014

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 23, 2014

Explosive Decompression – (Part Four)

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 23, 2014

Explosive Decompression – (Part Three)

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 21, 2014

Explosive Decompression – Back to Basics (Part Two)

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 20, 2014

Explosive Decompression

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 11, 2014

Controlled Flight Into Terrain – Why?

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 6, 2014

Is the Single Blade Propeller, by Everel, Better?

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”

January 1, 2014

Who Was America’s First “Airline Captain?”

“Robert Novell’s Third Dimension Blog”